BÄK International presents

129th German Medical Assembly

26.05.2025 13:00 - 28.05.2025 17:00


129th German Medical Assembly

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Event Details

The 129th German Medical Assembly will take place in the historical city of Leipzig from 27 to 30 May 2025.

Highlights of this year's conference programme will include the topic artificial intelligence in medicine.

Before the official start of this year’s German Medical Assembly, the Dialogue Forum with Young Physicians will be held on Monday, 26 May, at 1:00 pm in the Congress Center Leipzig “Leipziger Messe” (Saal 2). This year the Dialogue Forum will discuss the topic of artificial intelligence in medicine and will be opened by Dr Ellen Lundershausen, Vice President of the German Medical Association.

For more information on all events, please find the document "Preliminary Schedule" below. Please kindly note that the times may be adjusted.

We kindly advise all attendees of the special dinner on Monday, 26 May 2025, in the Gondwanaland in the Zoo Leipzig to wear suitable attire and footwear, as the paths are sometimes slippery and uneven.

Accomodation A contingent of rooms has been reserved for our international guests. Please see the attached document entitled Hotel information for more information. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Leipzig!

Photo: © Philipp Kirschner / Leipzig Travel

BÄK International

German Medical Association Federation of the German Chambers of Physicians

Dezernat Internationale Angelegenheiten / Department for International Affairs

Herbert-Lewin-Platz 1 10623 Berlin

Telefon: (030) 4004 56-0 / Telefax: (030) 4004 56-388

Brüsseler Büro / Brussels Liaison Office International Program Officer

Rue Montoyer 25 6th floor B-1000 Brussels

Contact BÄK International