BÄK International presents

Symposium of the Central and Eastern European Chambers of Physicians (ZEVA)

07.09.2023 - 09.09.2023


This event has ended.


Event Details

This year’s ZEVA meeting will be held at the headquarters of the North Rhine State Chamber of Physicians in Düsseldorf. As an extra special offer, the hosting State Chamber of Physicians has prepared an exclusive and extensive programme that will take place before the official start of the regular meeting on Thursday, 7 September 2023. Following a guided tour through its headquarters, the North Rhine State Chamber of Physicians will host expert talks given by the heads of departments on the following topics:

  • Professional Regulation
  • The North Rhine Medical Academy for Continuing Medical Education
  • Continuing Medical Education
  • The Expert Commission for the resolution of conflicts between physicians and patients

This is to provide an insight into some of its tasks and to give an opportunity to discuss them in small groups. Each area of expertise will be presented and will be followed by a question-and-answer session. The expert talks will run parallel to each other. Although all of the topics might be of interest to you, we kindly ask you to choose just one. We would be most grateful, if you would share with us your choice via e-mail by Thursday, 24 August 2023.

BÄK International

German Medical Association Federation of the German Chambers of Physicians

Dezernat Internationale Angelegenheiten / Department for International Affairs

Herbert-Lewin-Platz 1 10623 Berlin

Telefon: (030) 4004 56-0 / Telefax: (030) 4004 56-388

Brüsseler Büro / Brussels Liaison Office International Program Officer

Rue Montoyer 25 6th floor B-1000 Brussels

Contact BÄK International